Designed by: Brannon McAllister
- Design to Code
- BlueInk CMS
- Emma newsletter integration
Standards: XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Released: Fall 2008
Designed by: Geno Church
- Design to Code
- BlueInk CMS
- ListMessenger newsletter
- E-Commerce
Standards: XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Released: Fall 2008
Designed by: All Arrows
CMS: BlueInk CMS
Standards: XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Released: September 2008
Designed by: Brannon McAllister
CMS: BlueInk CMS
Standards: XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Released: September 2008
Designed by: All Arrows
CMS: BlueInk CMS
Standards: XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Released: September 2008
Designed by: All Arrows
CMS: BlueInk CMS
Standards: XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Released: August 2008
Designed by: BigBlueHat
CMS: BlueInk CMS
Standards: XHTML, CSS, JavaScript
Released: January 2008
BigBlueHat created custom content types for Interfilm Holdings, Inc's product line. This gives Interfilm the ability to create and edit structured product data for display in a customized product table. The product table sports sortable columns, downloadable data sheets, and colorized categories.
The Interfilm contacts page contains a custom map widget that allows the display of contact items for their regional account managers. The map allows users to move their mouse over various regions to see the account manager for that area.
Designed by: BigBlueHat
CMS: BlueInk CMS
Standards: XHTML 1.0 Transitional
Released: June 2006
Designed by: Portland Studios
CMS: BlueInk CMS
Standards: XHTML 1.0 Transitional