dotProject - project management made simple

Got dotProject questions?

We've got answers,
on the FAQ page.

Feature Peek

Ubiquitous Search. Top right corner, type what you want, and find it. It's that easy.

Check out some of the other features.

Do-it-yourself Downloads

Download dotProject 2.1.2

We do provide support for self-installed copies of dotProject. However, to make your work truely a dream, we can hook you up with one of our dotProject hosting packages and you can let us worry about the code and you can focus on your project.

dotProject Frequently Asked Questions

Isn't dotProject open source?
You bet! What we bring to the table is supported and managed installations of dotProject. That means that any improvements and bug fixes we make are available to our customers as soon as their made. We contribute the large majority of the changes we make back to the community and they eventually show up in an official community release. Hosting with us means you get the improvements now.

But I found dotProject hosting cheaper elsewhere...
Ah, yes. You may have. In those cases the companies generally install whatever the current version of dotProject is for you and then leave you on your own. That means that any bug fixing, upgrading, or modifications you may want or need to be done will have to be done by you or someone you hire. With us, you get the bug fixes and improvments we make automatically. So you can mark "learn how to program" off your todo list.

Do you offer free upgrades?
Mostly. If you've purchased dotProject from use recently, then you'll get all the improvements we make to the main installation. If you're hosted elsewhere, we'd be happy to discuss moving your site over to our hosting, and managing it from then on. We also work with companies that have heavily modified versions of dotProject. Once we spin off a version that's specific to your companies needs, there is a charge for most upgrades, but we try to keep the cost down by managing the differences for you.

Do you also offer customizations?
Yep. If your company needs some new module created, improvements to a current module, or a complete interface overhaul, we'll be happy to do the work. For customized dotProject installations, we manage the differences. Whenever possible, we work with our clients to get the customizations we make for them back into the community's version of dotProject, so they're available to everyone "forever."

What if I need some proprietary processes or information integrated into dotProject?
We can do that too, but it's a bit trickier. We can manage a branch for you, but because of the license dotProject is under, any changes made directly to it's code must be released when it's distributed. That said, we can build your customization as a standalone application and integrate it with dotProject in such away that the dotProject license (GPL) doesn't cause problems with your proprietary information.

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